Page 10 - คู่มือกรรมการคุมสอบออนไลน์ (กลางภาค)
P. 10

F Final Examination Guideline

                             Course: XXXXX    XXXXX

                Please set Zoom Name in this        “No.X_Student ID_Name”

                form                                Example: 001_B6300001_Sura Naree                                                                 ;
                : Turn off microphone on Zoom       Show your face and surrounding through examination session

                ; Turn on camera  ; Turn on speaker  Virtual background is not allowed
                Prepare student ID/Passport         To identify yourself on Zoom

                Examination room                    Should be a private room without other pass and through

                   HOTLINE         If student has a question during the examination, please ask in Zoom with MIC or CHAT
                 0-4422-3023       “No.X has a  question” please wait  for a response  from proctor to  lead student to
                 @sutelearning     Breakout room                                                                                                     :


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