Page 12 - คู่มือกรรมการคุมสอบออนไลน์ (กลางภาค)
P. 12

                       4. Online Examination Practice                                       0-4422-3023
                  In case any student has a question Please do as following

                  1. Go to Zoom
                  2. Raise your hand, inform via microphone or chat

                     Example “Seat no. XXX has a question”
                  3. Please wait for a proctor to Assign you to a Breakout room

                  4. Accept invitation and go to the Breakout room to ask your question
                  In case of lost connection from Zoom

                  Student must re-connect to Zoom within 10 minutes
                  During the lost connection from Zoom, student must stop doing the exam on SUT e-Learning
                  To re-connected later than 10 minutes or continue doing exam during lost connection time

                  may be considered void of the examination or interpreted fraudulently in the examination                            ;                            ;               :

                       5. Online Examination Practice                                       0-4422-3023

                 A must do when the examination begins

                 ; Turn on microphone on Zoom ; Turn on camera : Turn off speaker

                 (or set minimum volume) Please check if there is a chat from the proctors

                 If student turn off camera or microphone, student will be warned for 2 times
                 If there is a third times considered that student has an fraudulently intention in examination

                 When student has completed the exam,
                 please remain at seat until the examination session is ends

                 Please keep camera and microphone on until the examination session is ends
                 or all students have completed the exam


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